

Real-world change rooted in evidence

Our Research Approach

Evidence translation is at the heart of what we do. In partnership with our world-renowned Scientific Advisory Council and network of practice partners, we publish resources for public use, including the SOCIAL Framework. We advise government agencies, non-government organizations (NGOs), and other stakeholders on best practices for robust data collection and measurement approaches.

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The Socially Connected Human – Reimagining Our Society

In a socially connected community:

• Children are taught social and emotional skills in schools;
• Individuals are employed by workplaces that support the connectedness of their employees;
• Daily systems that are integral to our lives such as food and transportation, and the environments and neighborhoods in which we live, are intentionally designed to foster social connection.

This is a result of society and policies reflecting the significance of connectedness for our collective health and wellbeing.  

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Clinical and population health provide touchpoints to identify individuals who are socially disconnected and provide them with the resources and support they need.

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Work, Employment & Labor

American adults spend on average a third of their lives at work. Since we spend so much time at work, there are key opportunities for social connection.


Our experiences in early educational settings influence the development of our social skills and feelings of belonging. These experiences shape our abilities to form meaningful social connections throughout our entire lives.

Built Environment

Research highlights the critical role of well-designed, intentional, and inclusive spaces in addressing social isolation, loneliness, and connection. By prioritizing human-centric design, such spaces become catalysts for community engagement and social integration.

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Arts & Culture

Report Coming Soon.


Report Coming Soon.


Innovative solutions to connection are critical to our nation’s collective well-being. As available research on evidence-based solutions is limited, we team up with entrepreneurs, foundations, and corporations to design, test, and evaluate approaches to foster more socially connected communities.

Featured Partnerships and Programs

Cross-Sector Collaborations Collaborating to Develop a Network of Champions

We serve as operational support and advisors to Commit to Connect, a cross-sector initiative sponsored by the Administration of Community Living. Commit to Connect is dedicated to connecting individuals experiencing social isolation with the resources and support they need to thrive.

Guidance for Innovators Strengthening Relationships through Online Community

We worked closely with the teams at Hey You and Kinnd to develop scientifically-strong solutions to improve relationships. With the team at Hey You, we ideated, researched, and provided scientific insights on relationship skills building and tested the tool with our network. With the Kinnd team, we supported in identifying appropriate measurement tools and data collection protocols for their friendship making application.

Expert Support for Federal Programs Advising Federal Programs to Build Resilient Communities

In partnership with the National Association of Chronic Disease Directors and the CDC’s Building Resilient and Inclusive Communities program, we provided technical assistance to state health departments and community partners to implement PSE strategies to reduce social isolation and loneliness and build strong communities.

Signature Events

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Action Forum

Each year, we convene the best and brightest thought leaders and change-makers from across the globe for the End Social Isolation and Loneliness Action Forum. In 2023 the theme was Building Connected Communities. Together, we raise the visibility of our nation’s crisis of connection, spotlight ground-breaking innovations, spur commitments to action, and promote real evidence- and system-based change for a more socially connected future.

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Global Loneliness Awareness Week

Each June, alongside our partners at the GILC, Marmalade Trust, Humana’s Far From Alone, and Coalition to End Social Isolation and Loneliness, we activate policymakers, innovators, and local communities to share resources, identify areas of collaboration, and educate the public on the importance of belonging and resiliency. We mobilize relationships across the globe to elevate awareness of the crisis worldwide.

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